BIG NEWS- DEX Owners, M-Points & Live Support

3 min readJun 1, 2023


Starting from Today, Monarch has jumped one massive step to the future and opened Live Support to our users.
Our community is everything to us and we want to provide the best experience to all the Monarch members.

On the right corner of the Page you see “chat” when support is Live.
Make sure to provide full and correct info with the support if you want your issue to be solved fast. Don´t delay or spend support time with no reason. The window is also not meant for complaining. If You have issue, then support is not responsible for the issue, but they are there to solve it. People who are rude with the support will be blocked from the live chat and will lose this privilege, so please be respectful!

Support will be Live from Monday to Friday 8:00-17:00 .
Rest of the time the support tickets will be treated the same way as before.
When there are nobody online then the chat box will say “HELP?”(after opening “Leave us a message” instead of “Chat” like in following picture.

DEX Owners & M-Points

As spoken in numerous presentations Our DEX will be owned by 100 top achievers of Monarch, each with 0.8% share of the DEX!

Qualification is simple.
Be 1 out of 100 people in Monarch who is earning the most income.
Every EUR earned weekly as commissions equals 1 M-Point.
Qualification for DEX ownership started 29 May 2023 and will end approx in 8–9 Months when DEX will launch( It will be announced when last month is running). Old volume is not counted, only the one what is made after 29 May.
New M-points will be added every week on top of the old.

By the time when qualification ends, You need to be among the first 100 to be one of the owners of the DEX.
It is important to know that every owner who is qualified, is required to own at least 1 node in United network by the time of the launch.
People who has multiple accounts qualified, will get only 1 spot of the DEX ownership as purpose is to make United DEX as the most Decentralised DEX in the world.

Make sure you don´t miss this opportunity, a year from now, YOU could be an owner of the most decentralised exchange in the world!

Happy hunting!




Written by Monarch

This is the official newsfeed for monarch. Official website

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